People can crawl under your skin. The work of the Rotterdam artist Silvia B. – with people in the leading role – does exactly that: crawling under your skin. It asks questions about who we are, without judgment.
Silvia B. presents a series as a wonderful cabinet of characters in a wide variety and at the same time in a mutual coherence as perhaps no other artist at present shows in the Netherlands.
The title – Stringendo – refers to the multiple layers of this series – and in fact her complete work. Stringendo from classical music stands for tightening. Like your body sometimes tightens in contact with others. Stringendo also says a lot about the artistic language of Silvia B.
She does not need shocking gestures to challenge us. A slight increase in intensity is enough in the art to bring us to the big questions of life. That is what she does, and that brings her very close to the motto of Odapark: ‘comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable.’
from press release Odapark, © Pascalle Mansvelders, Marijke Cieraad, 2017
AmaroSilvia B. presents a series as a wonderful cabinet of characters in a wide variety and at the same time in a mutual coherence as perhaps no other artist at present shows in the Netherlands.
The title – Stringendo – refers to the multiple layers of this series – and in fact her complete work. Stringendo from classical music stands for tightening. Like your body sometimes tightens in contact with others. Stringendo also says a lot about the artistic language of Silvia B.
She does not need shocking gestures to challenge us. A slight increase in intensity is enough in the art to bring us to the big questions of life. That is what she does, and that brings her very close to the motto of Odapark: ‘comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable.’
from press release Odapark, © Pascalle Mansvelders, Marijke Cieraad, 2017
100 x 35 x 25cm, totale lengte variabel
gemengde techniek op kunststof, uit hout gehakt hoofd, acrobatenpakje,
clownskraag,turnringen, touw
categorie: €10.000 - €20.000
Van elk werk, dat via de Kunstambassade verkocht wordt, schenkt de kunstenaar 20% van het verkoopbedrag aan het Solidariteitsfonds dat wordt verdeeld onder de deelnemende kunstenaars.