Four & one ways to display an old Peruvian recording

The sound installation displays four assemblages of piezoelectric discs that function as audio diffusers by entering into vibration. One of the very first musical recordings realized in Peru, La Serranita, recorded by Hans Heinrich Brüning in 1910 in a rural region of the northern coastline, can be heard through the structures. The recordist was an avid collector and specialist of pre-Columbian architecture, who gave its name to a the Museo Arqueologico Nacional Brüning, and its iconic ‘gold room’.
Sound installation (piezoelectric discs, audio player, waxed wood and metal stand. Audio loop: 1'33. Dimensions: 290 x 90 x 120 cm)

Stuur een bericht aan Julien Grossmann

Van elk werk, dat via de Kunstambassade verkocht wordt, schenkt de kunstenaar 20% van het verkoopbedrag aan het Solidariteitsfonds dat wordt verdeeld onder de deelnemende kunstenaars.

meer van Julien Grossmann