Knowledge as a Trophy

porcelain brain vase installation as part of THE INSTITUTE FOR COGNITIVE PROSPERITY (2020)

The brain of the artist was scanned and the reconstructed within a scientific visualisation programme. The reconstructed MRI brain data was then used to develop a set of brain vases and brain lamps, taking the common metaphor of the brain as a vessel or container, as well as brain activity as something that is lightening up literately. The glazed lettering on the objects is the original file name, displaying the various steps of the data processing.
porcelain brain vases,
display structure,
perforated anti-microbial PVC strip curtain,
changing flower arrangement
(price for a single brain or brain set on request)

Stuur een bericht aan Antye Guenther

Van elk werk, dat via de Kunstambassade verkocht wordt, schenkt de kunstenaar 20% van het verkoopbedrag aan het Solidariteitsfonds dat wordt verdeeld onder de deelnemende kunstenaars.

meer van Antye Guenther