liminal connections
In Liminal Connection a comparison is drawn between the physical webcam spaces and the concept of liminality. The video shows different webcam studios whilst in audio we hear pieces of interview with different webcam performers. The images show multiple webcam rooms, spaces created for the online. They are neither real nor unreal. They act as a synonym for the relationships created within this in-between space.
Liminal Connection is an experimental documentary that examines how intimate connections and sexual encounters within the world of ‘private camming’ affect the digital and corporeal space connected to them, and what relationships are formed within these spaces.
2019Liminal Connection is an experimental documentary that examines how intimate connections and sexual encounters within the world of ‘private camming’ affect the digital and corporeal space connected to them, and what relationships are formed within these spaces.
video installatie
Van elk werk, dat via de Kunstambassade verkocht wordt, schenkt de kunstenaar 20% van het verkoopbedrag aan het Solidariteitsfonds dat wordt verdeeld onder de deelnemende kunstenaars.