So-called soybean meal from Brazil Harbor of Rotterdam, NL
'SOY' is an investigation into the (photographic) representation and uses of the soybean after it started to enter the Western markets in the early 20th century.
In addition the social, political, environmental and economic layers, which are intertwined through soy are be made visible and questioned through
photography, video and text.
2013In addition the social, political, environmental and economic layers, which are intertwined through soy are be made visible and questioned through
photography, video and text.
editie 5 plus 2 AP
60x90 cm,
€ 1.600,-
Van elk werk, dat via de Kunstambassade verkocht wordt, schenkt de kunstenaar 20% van het verkoopbedrag aan het Solidariteitsfonds dat wordt verdeeld onder de deelnemende kunstenaars.