Stuur een bericht aan Sandim Mendes

Stuur een bericht aan
Sandim Mendes

Sandim Mendes

In my practice, I use photography as a starting point to investigate the concept of identity in and between cultures. Born in the Netherlands with a Cape Verdean background, I start from an intersectional context, understanding these two worlds as grounds to root my artistic research. Through photography, performance, textile, drawing, printmaking and installation, I produce work that deals with intersecting layers of personal and political histories. My work reconstructs historical and speculative narratives, and creates characters and personalities engendered in this reconstructive process. In this way, photography has become a useful medium in this practice because of its use in processes of historicisation, its operation as a tool for memory, and its archival and evidential value. I think in images, and with them I create new histories rooted in inherited memories and embodied intuitions informed by my own subject position.



Sandim Mendes (1986) is een Kaapverdische kunstenares, geboren en getogen in Rotterdam, Nederland.
Haar kunstwerken zijn een direct resultaat van deze opvoeding, waarbij ze het concept van identiteit binnen deze verschillende culturen onderzoekt. Door middel van fotografie, performances, textiel, tekeningen, drukwerk en installaties geeft ze uiting aan haar bevindingen.
Na haar afstuderen in 2010 aan de Willem de Kooning Academie werd Mendes genomineerd voor de Van Bommel van Dam prijs. Ze heeft deelgenomen aan diverse nationale en internationale solo- en groepstentoonstellingen. TENT Rotterdam, MUHKA Antwerpen, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Textilsetur Blonduos IJsland, Kunsthal Rotterdam en Tetem Enschede zijn voorbeelden van waar haar werk te zien is geweest.
Ze woont en werkt in Rotterdam.

De keuze van Sandim Mendes


Faranu's work has something very meditative about it. The repeating motifs create a kind of world in which my thoughts can wander freely. This also applies to her figurative drawings. Although there are identifiable elements here, it still has something elusive about it. The flowing, moving lines take you away and confront you upon recognition. And that with the help of charcoal which makes it all so soft but at the same time smudgy.