Lotte Louise de Jong
Lotte Louise de Jong [1989] is een media kunstenaar met een achtergrond in film. Haar werk wordt gedreven door research en varieert van interactieve installaties tot meer traditionele vertelvormen. De belangrijkste thema's in haar onderzoek zijn identiteit en intimiteit. Meer specifiek onderzoekt ze hoe wij als samenleving onze identiteit zien en vormgeven via gemedieerde ruimtes zoals de digitale wereld. Het internet als een ruimte om intimiteit te verkennen is de belangrijkste focus van haar recente projecten.
Lotte Louise de Jong [1989] is a media artist with a background in film. Her work is driven by research and varies from interactive installations to more traditional forms of narrative. The main themes in her research are identity and intimacy. More specifically, she examines how we as a society see and shape our identity through mediated spaces such as the digital world. The internet as a space to explore intimacy has been the main focus of her recent projects.
Lotte Louise de Jong [1989] is a media artist with a background in film. Her work is driven by research and varies from interactive installations to more traditional forms of narrative. The main themes in her research are identity and intimacy. More specifically, she examines how we as a society see and shape our identity through mediated spaces such as the digital world. The internet as a space to explore intimacy has been the main focus of her recent projects.
plants in the studio
studio Blue Lagoon @ Time Window
fixing leds
tokens build up
working on large scale fröbel piece
working at V2 during Summersessions
Lotte Louise de Jong (1989) is een media kunstenaar met een achtergrond in film. In haar praktijk werkt ze met onderwerpen zoals intimiteit en identiteit in een digitale wereld. In 2019 heeft ze haar master aan het Piet Zwart Instituut afgerond en daarvoor heeft ze aan de Gerrit Rietveld Academie en HKU gestudeerd.
In 2020 ontving zij de bijdrage Jong Talent van het Mondriaan fonds.
Lotte Louise de Jong (1989) is a media artist with a background in film. She works with topics such as intimacy and identity within a digital world. In 2019 she completed her master's at the Piet Zwart Institute and before that she studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and HKU.
In 2020 received the Young Talent grant from the Mondriaan fund.
In 2020 ontving zij de bijdrage Jong Talent van het Mondriaan fonds.
Lotte Louise de Jong (1989) is a media artist with a background in film. She works with topics such as intimacy and identity within a digital world. In 2019 she completed her master's at the Piet Zwart Institute and before that she studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and HKU.
In 2020 received the Young Talent grant from the Mondriaan fund.