Fatima Barznge
Textile objects can carry traces of past events and faraway places. Whether it is a precious damask tablecloth, a handwoven carpet or an everyday piece of clothing, textiles have the power to evoke memories and bring close those things we can no longer touch, smell or see. One category of textile objects that is purposefully ‘made out of’ memories, is the patchwork quilt. Traditionally, the top layer of a quilt consists of a patchwork of different rectangular pieces of fabric, often scraps of worn-out clothing each carrying its own memories.
In many ways, Fatima Barznge’s recent body of work reflects the art of patchwork quilting. Its prominent use of squares and the grid-like composition of the wall-ensembles echo the architecture of the quilt, while the individual pieces resemble fabric designs figuring repeat patterns of squares, triangles and other abstract motifs. The images are based on the textile patterns she remembers seeing in her youth in the fabric of her mother’s dress and the carpet at the mosque. Text by Christel Vesters, for the exhibition catalogue Interwoven Histories, sept-oct 2021, (c) Christel Vesters / PAR &H foundation (2021)
In many ways, Fatima Barznge’s recent body of work reflects the art of patchwork quilting. Its prominent use of squares and the grid-like composition of the wall-ensembles echo the architecture of the quilt, while the individual pieces resemble fabric designs figuring repeat patterns of squares, triangles and other abstract motifs. The images are based on the textile patterns she remembers seeing in her youth in the fabric of her mother’s dress and the carpet at the mosque. Text by Christel Vesters, for the exhibition catalogue Interwoven Histories, sept-oct 2021, (c) Christel Vesters / PAR &H foundation (2021)
De vorm van mijn werk verschilt per serie of per periode, de ene keer resulteert dat in een geabstraheerde figuratief en de ander keer in volledig niet-figuratieve werken.
Sinds 2017 is mijn onderwerp het vierkant. Mijn uitgangspunt voor dit onderwerp is het vierkant in de geometrische islamitische kunst waarin het vierkant de basisvorm is van uitgebreide patronen in versiering en decoratie in architectuur, tegels, mozaïek, wanddecoratie en textiel. In mijn werk neem ik dat idee over en maak ik mijn eigen interpretatie.
Ik toon deze series Study of Square vaak in de vorm van groeps- of wandopstelling. Het is een hommage aan de handgemaakte lokale productie zoals borduurwerk, tapijt, wandkleden en quilts die ik ken uit mijn jeugd.
Toen ik in Irak woonde, had ik een grote fascinatie voor de westerse abstracte kunst, en nu kijk ik terug naar de Islamitische kunst uit het Oosten.
Fatima Barznge (Iraq Kurdistan), she now lives and works in Rotterdam.
Her Practice comprises paintings, works on paper and collages. She uses her memories as a conceptual starting point to reinterpret her cultural background, with which she explores how this relates to her current residence in the Netherlands where she has lived since 1997. After her studies for business administration at Mustanseryia university in Baghdad, she fled to The Netherlands where she graduated at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague in 2005. Her work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions among others Stedelijk Museum Schiedam (2022, 2020); Rozenstraat- a rose is a rose is a rose, Amsterdam (2021); Museum De Buitenplaats Eelde ( 2019); OnArte Locarno (2017); TENT platform for contemporary art Rotterdam (2015, 2011); and she exhibits regularly at gallery Sanaa Utrecht ( 2022, 2021, 2020,2019).
Her Practice comprises paintings, works on paper and collages. She uses her memories as a conceptual starting point to reinterpret her cultural background, with which she explores how this relates to her current residence in the Netherlands where she has lived since 1997. After her studies for business administration at Mustanseryia university in Baghdad, she fled to The Netherlands where she graduated at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague in 2005. Her work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions among others Stedelijk Museum Schiedam (2022, 2020); Rozenstraat- a rose is a rose is a rose, Amsterdam (2021); Museum De Buitenplaats Eelde ( 2019); OnArte Locarno (2017); TENT platform for contemporary art Rotterdam (2015, 2011); and she exhibits regularly at gallery Sanaa Utrecht ( 2022, 2021, 2020,2019).
De keuze van Fatima Barznge
Petra Laaper
Petra maakt objecten, installaties, foto’s en films.Het werk van Petra roept bij mij jeugdherinneringen op.
De beelden zijn warm, zacht en dicht bij de huid. Ik vind het heel bijzonder hoe zij onderzoek doet naar verschillende materialen en technieken waarin zij met complexe en ogenschijnlijk eenvoudige vormen beelden laat ontstaan. Achter haar heldere vormen en eigen beeldtaal schuilt veel ambacht, aandacht en oog voor detail.